Dear friends and colleagues,
Salaam and good morning.
I would firstly like to congratulate all the winners from yesterday and thank all those who attended on what I would have to say was a SABULOUS night. I felt very humbled to be able to host an event that pulled together such inspiring people, young and like me, not so young!
9/11 or Sept 11th 2001 changed the world as we now see and yesterday showed what we all in WF and Hackney are doing so much to BE THE CHANGE in our community. To quote Freddie Hudson from Arsenal in the Community (2008 testimonial for me) – There is always more to be done.
As Erkan said yesterday, we will host the next BE THE CHANGE awards in 2020 as well as release the second edition of the REAL EAST END LEGACY document.
Yesterday will be my last MC role until at least 2020 (unless I am invited to MC in a PITBULL Music video)
I was overwhelmed by the attendance yesterday and felt like MARVEL – Avengers assemble, with the power houses of community engagement and such special young Community Champions in one room. I have been MC in various arenas since the age of 9, so 31 years is a long time, but this was the best event ever.
Thank you to:
- Ivana, Ricky and Neil for their kindness in hosing the event.
- B&W trophies for their support and Shelly and Jack for attending and adding the boy-band and glamour factor!
- Nisha and all the SP staff, volunteers, Mike, Mark Blake and Tim for their efforts.
- Billy for producing a worthy slide-show and for being a Top Man!
Ladies – Girls/Women’s Eid Cup Weds 16th Sept 3.30pm-6pm @ Kelmscott/Walthamstow Leisure
Finally, thank you always to the Almighty for bringing us together at this point in time, blessing us with the ability to have an impact for the long-term and uniting us as one big SP Family.
Kind regards
Sab Bham
The link for the slide-show is here: DOWNLOAD HERE
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